true confessions: melissa, january 10 – The Shrinking Jeans of Melissa


January 10, 2012 By Lissa

On Saturday, I had almost a full week of following my eating plan to perfection. I was on a roll. In a groove. Not wanting to shove every carb in sight in my face.

The weekend was packed… a foster care class, which included getting home late on Friday night and 10 hours of instruction on Saturday.

My plan: Wake up early on Saturday, eat breakfast, pack healthy snacks and lunch.

The reality: Pushed the snooze button a few too many times. Got up. Made coffee and breakfast. Hurriedly showered and got ready. Woke kids up, gave instructions, and rushed out the door yelling good-byes and i-love-yous at 8:20 to be at class 15 miles away by 8:30.

Forgot snacks.

Forgot lunch.

Remembered coffee and water bottle. Priorities, people.

When I arrived, there was an assortment of pastries, donuts and fruit set out. I stayed away. Four hours later, my stomach was grumbling and I knew that I would never be able to stay awake through the next six hours of class if I didn’t eat. I hoped for a south-beach acceptable lunch.

What I got: Lasagna, a small portion of cooked vegetables, and a ice-cream dessert. I ate it. It wasn’t even GOOD.

And then I had two beers that evening when I got home. And two beers Sunday evening when I went out for supper with some family. In my defense, however, I did order naked chicken wings instead of breaded, and a side salad. I should get some brownie points {minus the brownie} for that, right?!

Yesterday, I was back to the plan and doing well.

Now, I just need to rev up the exercise!

How was your week? Are you still motivated and kicking butt?