Who wants a Tworkout? | The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


You do want a Tworkout, don’t you? Sure you do! I know how much you look forward to the Tworkout! Are you new here? Want to join in? It’s simple! Just hop onto Twitter at 8 p.m. Central and we all workout together while watching our favorite TV progTrams! It’s a lot of fun, I promise! Now, who’s in?

Tonight’s Tworkout:

1. 1 min wacky jacks, 1 min frog jumps, 1 min jump squats

2. Chair dips, as many as you can do.

3. ? exercise-First person to comment with their fav exercise gets this slot!

4. 15 burpees

5. 40 alternating side lunges with bicep curls

6. 1 min Russian Twists

7. Stretch

See you there!

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