Getting to the end result | The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


Photo courtesy of Photobucket User chris24le

When I started this whole weight loss thing, I don’t think I had a clear idea of what was in store for me. I had my map, I had my tools, but I didn’t realize what an adventure it would be.

I’m not sure if I realized how long it would take.

I’m not sure if I realized how many roadblocks and setbacks there would be.

I’m not sure if I realized how stinking hard it would be on some days.

I’m not sure if I realized the people I would lose along the way.

I’m not sure if I realized the people that I would gain along the way.

I’m not sure if I realized that there never really is a finish line.

I’m not sure if I realized how strong I would become.

I’m not sure if I realized how it’s not really about the weight.

I’m not sure if I realized how HARD it would be to break up with chicken tenders.

I’m not sure if I realized that my knowledge and experiences would help others.

I’m not sure if I realized that I would try Zumba.

I’m not sure if I realized that  I would gain so much more than I’ve lost.

Losing weight is hard, folks. It is HARD. It’s got ups and downs and left and rights and obstacles and what can seem like endless reboots and.

But choosing to put yourself first…to take control of your health…is the most important, the most rewarding thing you can do for your life. It really is about so much more than the number on the scale.

You are worth it.

It’s an amazing, harrowing, strengthening, awe-inspiring, tumultuous, hilarious, scary ride.

But you know what the outcome is?

A better, truer YOU.

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