What I've Learned In The Last Week | The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


I have spent a whole lot of time this past week at the hospital with my mom and step dad. He is going through some pretty heavy health issues right now and my place has been with them. I just got home and realized I had a post due. Christy covered my butt last week. I wasn’t about to ask her to do it again. But, I had no clue what to write about and then I thought about what I learned in the last week. I thought you might be interested. if not, I’m sorry. It’s the best I could do under pressure.

1. I have done a lot of reading. I am reading Bob Harper’s new book The Skinny Rules. He says that if you are only going to follow one of his rules, it should be to not eat any carbs after lunch. I also read this in an interview he did in Woman’s World magazine. If I ever get back to a normal life of eating, I’m going to try it.

2. Speaking of normal eating, I have done none of that in the past week. Actually, I’ve hardly eaten anything to speak of. Not good, I know, but I have lost three pounds.

3. You can even exercise in a hospital. I have done some laps around the halls. I took the stairs instead of the elevator a couple times. I even did some clench and release muscle exercises in the chair. I had a zumba cd playing in the car a few days when I was driving to and from the hospital. I was doing the moves in my head. Okay, that’s a stretch. I guess I can’t count that.

4. There is a lot of starch in hospital food. Every time I have taken my mom down to eat in the cafeteria, I have been surprised at the options. They always have mashed potatoes, no matter what else is on the menu. The soups are cream based and usually with cheese. Lots of pasta and casseroles. I don’t know, I thought maybe a hospital was a place that would have good choices.

5. If you read all the stuff they give you to read or watch the hospital channel where they tell you all about whatever it is you have, you can talk yourself into just about any disease. I’m pretty sure I have congestive heart failure. All kidding aside, I need to take better care of myself.

6. Sometimes, the people who you think will always be there for you really aren’t.

7. I can get by on very little sleep. I don’t encourage it, but it can be done.

8. Last, but not least….in 30 years when Dick and I are 86 and 89, I want to be just like my mom and step dad. To watch them is to know what love really is.

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