Toot Your Horn Tuesday: The Post-Thanksgiving Edition


Good morning, all! How are you? If you are reading this, you obviously survived the hustle and bustle of the holiday and didn’t get trampled down while black Friday shopping! Hooray!

Tuesday is a day for Tooting… tooting our own horns, that is. I may have to dig a little deep here, but dagnabit, I will toot.

Last week, I took my foster baby to one of her appointments, and during the hour that she was there, I went to THE GYM. The gym! I have been there, oh, maybe 5 times since July. I did a 5K on the elliptical machine and I didn’t die. Almost, but I haven’t keeled over yet! Let me tell you, my calves were SO SORE. Ugh. I have now committed to going to the gym *at least* once a week while the bebe is at this appointment. Once a week is way better than my previous attendance.

I planned ahead and ordered myself a 3-day BluePrint Cleanse. No, this is not a fad diet or a drastic way to lose weight, it’s an organic juice cleanse. It actually tastes good, and I will still be consuming around 1300-1500 calories a day. I did this a few weeks ago and loved it. I felt great and it abolished my insane carb cravings. I just wish it wasn’t so dang expensive. I am going to put my own juicer on my Christmas list, and maybe Santa will be extra nice to me this year.

What are you tooting about today? Let’s hear it!

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