I Work Out Because……. | The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


I work out because……

The last few weeks, including today, the way I would fill in this blank is NOT the way I want it to be.  To be honest, I would say *because I have to, not because I want to and some days I don’t work out at all*.

My last race was the 3M Half Marathon on January 19th.  True to form, after the race, I hit a workout slump.  It’s like after you have been working towards a goal for a while, after you hit that goal, you wonder *what next*.

I am tired, busy at work, busy with my kids and their afterschool activities and homework, busy attempting to keep up with the house and cooking dinner and cleaning.  I have shoved working out and running to the wayside because I am tired and I don’t have an exact goal in mind.  I hate working out/running without having some kind of goal in place- whether it’s a race or improving my pace, or strengthening my muscles, or trying something new.

I am in a BLAH place right now.  Indecisive, tired, low motivation.

Woe is me, huh?

If I was reading this, I would want to yell at myself to SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP AND STOP WHINING.

That’s where YOU come in.

Fill in the blank.

You guys always find ways to inspire me and hopefully, I will find the motivation to get my butt back into gear because *I want to and not because I have to*.

Peace Out and Happy Work Outs to All!!!

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