Making the Most of a Long Weekend


TGIF dear shrinkers! This TGIF is extra lovely due to it starting off a long weekend for most of us.  Long weekends can even be seen as a secret weapon on your weight loss journey. Here’s why:

  • You have an entire extra day to plan, and cook,  healthy meals for the week ahead.
  • You have a chance to get in a workout when you are usually “too busy” or “too tired” to schedule it on a workday.
  • You have a rare chance of getting in physical activity with your spouse, who hopefully will also be observing a long weekend. (I’m not talking about THAT kind of physical activity! Hopefully that is taking place already, regardless of a three-day weekend). How often do you get to go on a bike ride or hike together during the day time when you are both typically working? If he or she is not on the bandwagon, perhaps you could at least walk around a bit after dinner or a cook out.
  • You get to sleep in! I will admit it, this is one of my favorite things to do. Don’t feel guilty about it! I don’t! We all know rest is very important. It restores your batteries. Sleeping in on a day off is one of my guilty pleasures. I make no apologies for it!
  • A day off from work is also a great chance to make a fitness date with a friend, especially one you haven’t caught up with in a while. Meet up for a class at the gym, or for a walk or a hike in a nearby park. Anything that allows you to spend time together and have a visit  (as I learned to say when I lived in the South.)
  • For you runners and walkers, you have extra time to research and register for your next race. Get to it and get something on the calendar! Having a race goal is a great motivator.

Of course, we want to find some time in the day on Monday to honor the men and women who served our country and are no longer with us.  Stay healthy, be well, get moving, but be sure to make time for that, too..


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