Thinking It Through – The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


This week has been a huge week of reflection for me and I’ve spent a lot of time thinking through the goals I have for the rest of this year.  This past Sunday was my birthday and I don’t know about you but I always start thinking things through more around my birthday.  A good friend of mine passed away from a recurrence of ovarian cancer that quickly spread throughout her body, making me very grateful for my good health. BUT, my health isn’t as good as it could be so I have decided it’s time to buckle down with my goals and do what it takes to reach them.

I’ve taken some time away from my normal stuff and just sat and did some deep thinking so that I could really decide what I want out of my life over the next few months. Here is a list (in no particular order) of what I want to accomplish over the next few months to finish this year off strong!

  • Take control over my laziness. This includes, but is not limited to fitness. I get lazy and don’t take care of the most basic of  things in my life, including the boring and mundane household chores. I need to create a schedule to take care of myself, my house, my family and my son’s education! If it’s not scheduled it doesn’t happen till everything that is scheduled does happen.
  • Exercise consistently. I really enjoy exercising but once again I get lazy. I like laying in bed instead of getting up to exercise. I don’t like working out in a fitness center by myself. I like being around people and receiving support from others. I operate a lot better if I am in a group setting, so I have joined a couple of online groups to help push me to exercise more consistently. I am currently on day 5 of this new program and I am feeling my legs and abs, which is showing me they haven’t been as active as they should have been.
  • Back off from the sugar!! Sugar is my poison and it is so addictive for me! I’m going off from it again and getting control over the obsession of it. Sugar has been an issue for me for some time and when I am off from it I have great results. Time to go off again to get the results I want.
  • Getting in to see another doctor to see what he has to say about all my hormone issues. I’m on a few medications and they seem to be helping but I would like to find out if there is something else that can be done to help me feel better, more consistently.
  • Eating more fruits and veggies. I really don’t like veggies but I LOVE fruit, but I find when I am busy lazy I don’t eat either of them very often. This needs to change, too! Eating enough of the good stuff will help me not want the bad for me stuff!
  • Take time every day for me!! Whatever that looks like for that day, I need to do something just for me.

Here are the things that I am going to focus on over the month of August and during this month I am going to continue thinking things through to see what else I need to change in my life to make me a better me!!

Do you sit and reflect on your life? If you don’t do it often I recommend you take a few minutes and do it this weekend. Doing this will help make you a better you, too!!



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