My new found love: Kickboxing | The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


I have a new found love. We’ve only been together for a week, and only seen each other 4 times, but I’m head over heels. I have also spilled the secret to two of my friends who have become just as enamored as I am. Our hearts race, our palms (and the rest of us) get sweaty,  and sometimes we’re even short of breath.

I am in love with kickboxing.

I have done boxing in the past, but never incorporated the ‘kick’ part of it – holy full-body workout! Each hour-long kickboxing workout can blast anywhere over 500 calories depending on the intensity and constant movement. It works your arms, shoulders, back, butt, legs, AND core. It’s a fabulous stress-reliever (and although it may not be as fun taking frustrations out on a bag instead of on an enemy, it will keep your record much cleaner). And, if you’re like me, you will feel an immense sense of accomplishment after every workout.

I am pleasantly sore and excited to build up the muscle and strength that I know will come from beating the crap out of a bag. As the holidays approach, this will be the motivation I need to move! I found a gym that I absolutely love (and can afford), and with that comes a community of individuals trying to better themselves; I have already introduced two friends to these classes and they are eager for more.

As we get busy throughout the holidays -which can come with tons of excuses for not getting in the exercise we need- I would strongly encourage each of you to try something different. Shake up your routine. Try something you think will be too hard. It’s amazing what the human body is capable of at any stage of fitness, and many of the blocks are mental.

If you’re interested in trying kickboxing in the comfort of your own home, an article in Fitness Magazine demonstrates the proper way to execute punches and kicks, as well as outlines a quick 10-minute workout!

1. Jab.

This is a straight punch; if the right foot is in front, the right hand is jabbing.

Imaginary Target: Nose

  • Stand with right foot forward in fighting stance.
  • Rotate right hip forward, extending right arm.
  • Twist forearm so the fist is parallel to the floor at full extension, arm in line with shoulder.
  • Recoil immediately.

Quick Tip: Jabs are fast, surprise punches, so strike as quickly as possible with control.

2. Cross

A straight punch thrown from the rear hand, so if your right foot is in front, your left hand does a cross.

Imaginary Target: Nose

  • Stand with right foot forward in fighting stance.
  • Turn left foot, knee and hip to the right at the same time, followed by the left shoulder and left arm.
  • Twist your forearm so your fist is horizontal at full extension; don’t lock your elbow.
  • Recoil and return to fighting stance immediately.

Quick Tip: The force of the cross originates from the hips. By using your core, you’ll pack a more powerful punch.

3. Hook

Punch in a circular motion, thrown with the lead hand.

Imaginary Targets: Ear, Cheek

  • Stand with left foot forward in fighting stance.
  • Pivot on the ball of your left foot, turning left knee, hip, shoulder, and arm simultaneously as you punch from left to right.
  • Bring left forearm parallel to floor, thumb up; keep right fist by face.
  • Recoil immediately and return to fighting stance.

Quick Tip: To get the pivoting motion correct, think of putting out a cigarette under the ball of your foot.

4. Uppercut

Punch in an upward thrust with the fist pointing at the ceiling.

Imaginary Target: Chin

  • Stand with your left foot forward in fighting stance.
  • Drop your right hand slightly and bend both knees, then twist your hips to the left as you thrust your right fist straight up and slightly forward with knuckles facing the ceiling and palm facing body.
  • Keep your left fist by your face.
  • Recoil immediately and return to fighting stance.

Quick Tip: To generate more force, drive the punch from your legs up. Don’t punch up beyond the tip of your nose.

5. Front Kick

A jab with the heel of the foot; can be done with either leg.

Imaginary Targets: Knee, Groin, Chest

  • Stand with left foot forward and fists by face in fighting stance, then shift your weight to right foot.
  • Bring left knee up to the chest, foot flexed, heel close to the glutes (not shown).
  • Keep fists up and kick straight out from the hip as if you were punching with your heel; retract immediately and return to fighting stance.

Quick Tip: Picture slamming a door open with your foot.

6. Roundhouse Kick

A circular kick (your leg moves in an arc). Montagnani recommends doing it with the front leg because it puts less stress on the opposite knee.

Imaginary Targets: Knee, Obliques, Head

  • Stand with right foot forward in fighting stance.
  • Bend right knee, bringing heel toward glutes, and pivot on left foot, turning hips to left (not shown).
  • Strike from right to left in an arc with right foot, extending kick from knee, toes pointed.
  • Retract and return to fighting stance.

Quick Tip: Imagine slapping target with your shoelaces.

7. Side Kick

This kick is the strongest, because the force comes from the glutes. Keep your foot flexed as you kick out.

Imaginary Targets: Torso, Chest

  • Stand with your left foot forward in fighting stance.
  • Turn hips to the right, and pivot right toes out slightly.
  • Lift your left knee toward the chest, keeping your foot flexed (not shown).
  • Forcefully extend the left leg out to the left side, pushing through the heel while counterbalancing by leaning your entire upper body toward the right.
  • Keep hands in fists near face. Retract the kick and immediately return to fighting stance.

Quick Tip: Think of kicking through target with heel.

10-Minute Fat-Burning Routine

Practice each combination in this 10-minute fat blaster slowly at first, then increase your speed as the routine becomes more familiar. For more of a challenge, vary the height of your kicks and punches. Do it twice and you’ll burn about 170 calories.

Minutes: Combination Moves:
0:00–2:00 Jab, cross, hook, uppercut lead with left (30 seconds each)
2:00–4:00 Jab, cross, hook, uppercut lead with right (30 seconds each)
4:00–5:00 Front kick (30 seconds each, left and right)
5:00–6:00 Roundhouse kick (30 seconds each, left and right)
6:00–7:00 Side kick (30 seconds each, left and right)
7:00–7:30 Combination (left foot forward): Jab (L), uppercut (R), front kick (L)
7:30–8:00 Combination (right foot forward): Jab (R), uppercut (L), front kick (R)
8:00–8:30 Combination (left foot forward): Jab (L), cross (R), roundhouse (L)
8:30–9:00 Combination (right foot forward): Jab (R), cross (L), roundhouse (R)

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