Wednesday Check-In and Reminders Galore | The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


Hello hello dear shrinkers one and all. How goes it? Go and hop on that scale and get down to business with your Wednesday check in because we have a lot of additional business to attend to!

How did the number look? Remember, it’s just a number. Don’t take too much stock in it! You know deep down what you need to be focusing more on, working harder at, paying more attention to. Chances are, whatever the number on the scale reveals – whether it’s up from last week or down – it is rarely a complete mystery or a complete surprise. Yes, there are those weeks where you seem to be doing everything right. Every. Little.Thing. And the scale doesn’t budge at all. But for the most part, you know it’s a reflection, good or bad, of the effort you are putting in. Sometimes it may be needed to have the “Time to Get Real” talk with yourself. The tough love talk that you’d give to your best friend or sister who you saw was sabotaging her own efforts. Look in the mirror and have that same talk with YOU. Out loud. And really LISTEN!

Now, on to the reminders.

Turkey Trot & Mutt Strut Race

First up – this Sunday, Nov. 23,  is our Turkey Trot & Mutt Strut Virtual 5K/10K/Mile Run & Walk. I will be doing the 5k run and look forward to participating with all of you where ever you are! Look for your goodies to be arriving in the mail soon and don’t forget to take a few pictures to send to us on your race day. Don’t forget your dog’s picture also if you are doing the Mutt Strutt!

We’ll have the post-race check-in form up on the site prior to the race and will send out an email to all registrants with a link soon!


The very next day, Monday, Nov. 24, we kick off our Get Your sElf Off the Shelf DietBet. This is a way for you to get motivated to lose some pounds while at the same time winning some cool cashola. Who doesn’t need a little extra money at this time of year? It’s like you get rewarded for your hard work and it’s a sweet reward at that. Sign up today. I am signing up as soon as I am done writing this post. All the info you need about how DietBets work can be found here. Join our game today!

O’Fitness Tree

Next up: O’Fitness Tree. Be sure to check back here Dec. 1 to get your downloadable printable copy of O’Fitness Tree. If you are new to the Hood, you may be asking “What the heck is that?”  Consider it your own personal advent fitness calendar. You’ll see! I can tell you from past experience, if you join in on the spirit of this, you’ll have a strong tool in your arsenal against holiday weight gain.

Wellness Challenge

Our  Wellness Challenge that is part of the whole Get Your sElf Off the  Shelf  campaign also starts on Nov. 24. This is where we bring exclusive content straight to your inbox on all sorts of health and wellness tips and topics to help you stay sane during the holidays. Be sure to sign up so that you don’t miss a thing!

I hope you’re ready for a fun few weeks ahead!


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