Fitness Friday – My Top 5 Sneaky Tips to Keep You Moving


Hello dear Shrinkers. I think this is my first chance to wish you all a Happy New Year! Aren’t you glad the holidays are over and a new year is here? I sure am. I’ve been off to a good strong start so far in 2015 in terms of getting in regular exercise and cleaning up the diet. I’m doing a 21-day challenge of no sweets or fast food and am proud to say that I’ve stuck with it so far. Oh and I was also quoted in U.S. News & World Report. That was pretty neat, even though I sounded like a nutcase and a true FitBit addict (which I don’t deny.)

There are some old standbys that I rely on faithfully when it comes to trying to squeeze in exercise under the radar or help me build a healthy habit. Some of these are my own doing and some I’ve come across on various blogs and websites that I’ve adopted into my daily routine.

All in all, they help me to keep the scale moving in the right direction and more importantly, they help keep the Laziness Monster tamed and out of sight.

  1. I always walk as if I am hurrying to catch a bus. In the hallways at work, this way of thinking allows me to move at a quick pace in little bursts throughout the day, breaking up what would otherwise be a sedentary job.
  2. Never go more than two days in a row without working out. After two days, it becomes a slippery slope my friends. The couch’s gravitational pull is exponentially doubled the longer you sit out your workouts.
  3. Never say no to an invitation to activity. Whether a neighbor invites me to try out a Zumba class, as such was the case for me this week, or a friend asks if I want to meet for a walk to catch up and chit chat, as I will be doing this weekend, I always say yes. Getting in activity with company doubles the fun and makes the time fly fast. Even if someone were to ask me to help paint their living room, rearrange their furniture or move them to a new apartment, I am always thinking ‘yes, not only is it nice to help out but it’s more movement for ME.”
  4. Stand up as much as possible. I have written about this many times before, how I no longer make phone calls in the car. Not only is that a distraction from driving but don’t want to “waste” my phone time sitting still behind the wheel. I make my calls when I am home and can be pacing around the house or folding laundry or emptying the dishwasher, whatever the case may be. Also, even on my work phone in the office, any time I’m on it, I am on my feet
  5. Squats in the ladies room. I knock out 15 any time I go to the loo and 15 wall push ups as well.

How about you? Is there anything you do that has become your go-to strategy for keeping moving? We’d love to hear about it in the comments!

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