true confession – The Shrinking Jeans of Nancy


January 3, 2012 By Nancy

It has been a long time since I have been on my personal blog here at Shrinking Jeans and I’m sorry. It is my plan to post here no less than every Tuesday for True Confessions in the new year.

I saw the picture below on a friends Facebook page and thought it was perfect for how I’m feeling about the new year. 2012 is my chance for a do over, so to speak and I am grabbing it with both hands. My brass ring, if you will.

My biggest confession today is that I have just been going through the motions of weight loss and fitness. I have been eating right (when it suits me) and I’ve been exercising (when I make the time). I’ve been making excuses for both of those things. Not good excuses, but excuses none the less. I am a contributing writer here at Shrinking Jeans. I am one of the oldest people here. Should I not be doing my best to set a good example and not going through the motions and calling it good?

I am confessing here and now that I am ashamed and embarrassed by my attitude and lack of motivation this past year. I was talking the talk, but I sure wasn’t walking the walk. That all stopped yesterday.

Finally, here comes the good part of this confession. I have found my motivation again, my mojo is back. I have begun the very long process of losing the weight and doing my best to be the very best me I can be, inside and out. I am back on My Fitnes Pal and tracking my eating. I am back to classes three days a week. The classes are zumba, piyo and kettle bells. The last two are intense workouts and I’m loving them. I am doing January with Jillian over at the Hood. I am also doing 52 changes with Christy also at the Hood. I am doing a few other things that I will save for another time, but you get the picture.

I confess that I have very intention of making 2012 my bitch. That is my new mantra for the new year. When we go on vacation next summer at the lake again, they are going to see me in a bathing suit. I am going to be strutting my stuff (as much as you can with family) and feeling really good about myself.

Look out 2012! I am gunning for you and you are in big trouble. This is my year and not yours!

June 28, 2011 By Nancy

Happy Tuesday! Time to confess our faults and slip ups for the last week. I had a few, but nothing that I’m totally embarrassed over.

1. Like Thea, I missed doing the bursts twice this week in the boot camp. Doing two boot camps is hard and sometimes I guess that I need to pull back a little. It is easier to do that in my own backyard than in front of a bunch of other people.

2. Twice now, I have eaten a 3 ounce bag of Quakes in one sitting. In the grand scheme of things, it’s really not that tragic. They are only 330 calories and with the two boot camps, I can afford the extra calories. Still, two bags!

3. I missed my other boot camp once last week and I missed zumba both days. It was a crazy week. I did my stuff at home though.

4. I went to the Farmer’s Market on Saturday and I bought cupcakes and I ate cupcakes. If you saw them, you couldn’t pass them up either. I won’t be buying any this weekend.

5. I didn’t drink as much water as I should have, but at least I drank some.

That’s all I can remember. I think that is enough. I’ll try to do better for next week, but we do have a holiday weekend coming up. So…how’d you do?

June 21, 2011 By Nancy

Happy Tuesday! I’m in a good mood today. I have some really good confessions for ths week. Ready, set, confess….

1. I have done really well with my eating. I’ve logged my food every day of the challenge so far on My Fitness Pal and I have been under my calorie goal every day.

2. I worked out every day but one. I overdid it yesterday. I did the SJ boot camp and my usual boot camp and I walked three miles. Let’s just say that by the last circuit of boot camp last night, I really wasn’t giving it my all. I’m going to do SJ boot camp on T/Th/F. That way I won’t be doing boot camp twice a day.

3. My water intake was great. No less than 64 ounces of water a day. Most days I had more than that.

4. I haven’t missed a day with my vitamins.

It feels great to have an all good confession. I haven’t had one of those in a long time. I’m actually excited for tomorrow morning. I’m looking forward to a good weigh in for Team 4. We rock!