30 day shed is my addiction | The Shrinking Jeans of Lisa


Posted by lisa on April 15, 2009

I finished Day 10 of Shredding earlier today, Phase 1. 

I seem to think about shredding all day long, way before I actually DO IT and long way after it’s DONE.

I am starting Phase 2 of the Shred tomorrow morning.  I have a few thoughts on Phase 1, as well as Phase 2 running incessantly through my head. 

Would you like to read about them?  I’m sure you would.

Phase 1 Thoughts

  • I am so damn proud of myself for completing TEN days of Shredding.  I was a gym rat prior to getting pregnant with baby #3 and now that said child is 6 months old, I am easing back into exercising, and loving it.  Apparently, that love for exercise is rubbing off on my BFF.
  • I am tired of hearing Jillian say the same damn things over and over in Phase 1.  Yes, I know that for a 20 minute workout, there is no modification for a jumping jack.  No, I did not phone it in, not even over the holidays and being out of town.  Yes, we all want to have Natalie’s abs, that bitch.  Yes, I know that if I want to take the “easy way out”, that I should follow Anita.  Although, I highly doubt that Anita got her rock-hard body by taking the “easy way out”.
  • And is it just me, but does Jillian look just a little uncomfortable in the beginning of the exercise?
  • While I definitely feel stronger and that my body can go longer before I become breathless, why does that first cardio circuit kick my ass every. single. time? 
  • I can now do almost 2 sets of modified push-ups with no stopping.
  • I started with 3lb weights and I am up to 8lb weights on half of the exercises- yeah me!  I use 5lbs on the squat presses, anterior raise combo; 8lbs on the shoulder/chest rows, lunges/biceps combo, and chest flies.  I love having muscles but damn, is my body TIRED by the end of the day.
  • Abs don’t seem to hurt so much.  I make sure to exhale on the appropriate part of the exercise as to maximize my effort.
  • Jumping jacks and jumping rope are hurting me these last two days.  Not incredibly painful but definitely sore.  I find myself stretching my calves and pointing my toes for a different kind of stretch all day long.

Confession #1:  I really wanted to start Phase 2 today but I promised my Shrinking Jeans Sisters that I would wait until tomorrow.  I even contemplated moving to Phase 2 today but NOT telling them.  BUT, I couldn’t do it.  I gave them my word and I had to stick to it!

Confession #2:  I went ahead and previewed Phase 2 so I would know what’s coming up and so I wouldn’t waste time tomorrow trying to figure out what I was supposed to do.  I am geeky like that.

Phase 2 Thoughts

  • Can I be honest and say that I am actually looking forward to Phase 2?  I am getting a tad bored with Phase 1.  I am ready to change it up.  Since I have already previewed what is to come, I learned that I am familiar with quite a few of the exercises from days past. 
  • I am fairly certain that I am going to be extra sore tomorrow after shredding.
  • What possessed me to exercise twice today, the day before starting Phase 2?  Sure, the second time I exercised was straight cardio, BIT OMFG, my arms are like dead weight right now and my legs, my legs feel so TIRED.  This does not bode well for Phase 2!
  • I took my measurements before I started shredding and here, only 10 days later, I have lost ONE inch off of my waist- WAHOOO!
  • Maybe after another 10 days of shredding, I’ll lose another inch.  Maybe I can put away my maternity clothes for good- GASP.
  • I wonder what annoying phrases Jillian will utter during Phase 2?  Will I love her?  Hate her?  Love to hate her?
  • Is Phase 2 going to kick my ass?
  • I sure do have a potty mouth, don’t I?

Allright ladies (and men).  Share your thoughts with me.  Are you still shredding?  What day are you on?  Phase 1 or Phase 2?  Any morsels of advice for me as I head into Phase 2?

Keep on, keep on.