creating motivation Archives – The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


Hi, friends! It’s been a while since I have touched base with you on a Monday, the day of the week where we share motivation and spread it around a bit. What’s been working for you lately? I was kind of out of the loop for a good three-week stretch or so, thanks to a severe case of poison ivy or … [Read more…]

We’ve all been there.  We had the best intentions.  Our training plan was good to go. But… A big project at work, an illness, or just not seeing the results you were hoping for can derail your motivation.  Staying motivated when life gets in the way takes some serious finesse and what … [Read more…]

It’s that time of year: The holidays have passed and resolutions to improve your health, your relationships, your finances, your body, your job have begun. If you’re one of the many who begin the New Year with admirable, passionate resolutions that soon fade away under the weight of daily … [Read more…]

Happy Monday to you all (is there such a thing?!). I am going to go ahead and say why, yes, there is. My fellow Sisterhood writers and I rotate throughout the month to bring you new posts. As it happens, the last few of mine have fallen on Mondays which always gets me thinking about when we used to … [Read more…]

For some, it’s turned on full-speed like a kid who has eaten too much sugar and put in a bouncy castle. For others, it’s like a misplaced set of keys – you know you have them, you’re just not sure where. And then for some, it has gone completely AWOL, and merely the faintest memory of it remains. I … [Read more…]

Every day is square one. Every day is a chance to start again. Every meal is square one. Every meal is a chance to make the right choice. Every workout is square one. Every workout is a chance to forget about the “bad” workout you had earlier. Every thought you have is square … [Read more…]

I like quotes.  I really do.  I try really hard each week to find a quote that pertains to what I’m going to write about.  But I couldn’t this week.  I searched and searched and came up with zilch.  Which really surprised me, considering how important I think this week’s topic is: REWARDING … [Read more…]

I have a question for you… Is there something that you can do now that you have lost weight? Something that you couldn’t do when you were overweight, but you’ve made enough changes that it’s a possibility now? For me, it’s wearing dresses. When I was overweight, I rarely wore dresses. When I … [Read more…]

People often talk about motivation as if it’s something they have no control over, like a flaky house guest who might steal away in the dead of night: “my motivation is completely out the window,” or “I wish I could find my motivation again!” We act like motivation is either there or not, and if … [Read more…]