Down & Dirty in 30 challenge – The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


The numbers you gals (and guy) have put up this past month are simply amazing. Through hard work, determination, eating right, and exercise you have managed to drop literally hundreds of pounds! We could not be more proud of you! Are you ready to find out which team LOST their way to NUMBER ONE to […]

Can you believe August is over? Even crazier, can you believe the Down & Dirty in 30 Challenge is over? I KNOW. Sads. Dry those tears, cause you know it’s Wednesday and what does that mean? Weigh in – for most of you – and check in for all you maintainers! Go on…hit the scale. […]

Is this really the last day of August? Already? Whoa. We have been getting Down & Dirty for the past 30 days. Have you been seeing the progress you had hoped for? Have you been sticking to your goals? How are you feeling overall? Tomorrow will be the LAST weigh-in for this challenge. The End. […]

It’s time to check in, folks! How did you this past week?? And can you believe there’s only 1 week left? How are you going to spend your last week? Do you need to make some changes? Do you need to adjust your goals? Are you right on track to be where you want to […]

Wha? What’s this Down & Dirty business? Well, we are revealing the next challenge a whole week and a half early! Why would we do that when we usually like to keep it a big surprise? Because this challenge will involve teams (pause for the collective cheer) and we need you to scoot your booty […]