Food Journal – The Shrinking Jeans of Lisa


September 30, 2009 By lisa

When I stepped on the scale this morning, I was slightly disappointed with this:

Last week’s weight: 173 lbs

This week’s weight:  173 lbs

No change

I mean C’MON!  I was careful with what I ate (but I did not journal religiously), I exercised and even did a double workout yesterday (one hour pilates/core combo at the gym and 30 Day Shred at home, level 3).  Nighttime snacking was cut way down and completely OUT for the last 3 nights.  I thought for sure I had a weight loss in the bag.  But alas, it is not to be this week at least.

But that’s OK, I have decided.  My clothes are feeling better, my legs are strong, and I know I am doing the right things.  It does appear that I will have to journal Every. Single. Thing. I. Eat in order to really understand what is going on food-wise.  I have the exercise portion under control, meaning I am now exercising on a regular basis and will continue to do so with the upcoming 5K challenge.  Now I just have to get a true handle on my eating.  I think I am eating right and the right portions but apparently my perception is a little skewed and I must be eating more than I should.

So yeah this week, the name of the game is to journal, journal, journal.  Drink drink drink (water, that is).  Exercise, exercise, exercise.