Lisa Archives – Page 5 of 9 – The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


It’s day three of our Land’s End swimsuit reviews! Only 48 (or less hours) or less to enter our super swell swimsuit (that’s a lot of s’s, people!) giveaway. Hold on till the end of this post for entry details. Today, we’ve got reviews from Lisa and Crooked Eyebrow. Go Lisa! Go CE! … [Read more…]

Ahhhhh yes.  Summertime is upon us.  Which can only mean one thing.  Swimsuit time Will I ever wear a bikini again? Probably not since the last time I wore one was over 15 years, before 3 pregnancies, and a *few* pounds less.  I’m still searching for that miracle bathing suit that lifts the “girls”, … [Read more…]

Today is Lisa’s birthday!!! Not only is Lisa a wonderfully amazing contributor here at the Sisterhood, but she is also my best friend. For the past 6 years, we’ve been through some amazing milestones together, including weight loss, pregnancies, new babies, more weight loss, and now 1/2 marathon … [Read more…]

I’m not sure what you guys think of those of us who write for Shrinking Jeans. I’m not sure if you think “wow, those chicks have their #$#@% together all of the time…. they know exactly what to write and when to write it….they are so awesome….they are pillars of strength when it comes to … [Read more…]

The Spring Fling Challenge is going hot and heavy.  We still have a few more weeks left to go, though.  How are you doing?  Are you full steam ahead or have you lost your steam?  Go ahead, you can  be honest with us.  Chances are, you are not alone in whatever your answer may be. But first, let’s … [Read more…]

This weekend, I went for my long run for Team in Training.  Most runs, I let my mind go blank, forgetting about stresses and troubles and to-do lists at home.  I let my mind go free from all of it, letting my iPod pound out good music in my ears. And this weekend’s run was the same. Miles … [Read more…]

Yippee!  It’s Tuesday and I get to share with all of you, my friends, my internet peeps, my “confessions” for the week.  For all it’s worth……………….. The Good I exercised HARD last week- Monday (weights), Tuesday (running), Wednesday (elliptical), and Thursday … [Read more…]

I am so excited to write this Food Edition of Thursday Threes! I love food- what “free” time I have is spent scouring websites, cookbooks, cooking magazines, looking for those recipes that sound interesting to me.  I love to cook and I love to eat.  These two simple phrases makes it imperative … [Read more…]

All I could think about today (Sun) is my new toy get your mind out of the gutter. I finally bit the bullet and bought a Nike+Ipod Sports Kit. (Christy wrote a review about it if you want to know more about it).  She has been raving about it ever since she got it and so have a few of ya’ll. … [Read more…]

Our NEW posting schedule for 2010, just in case you haven’t seen it yet. The schedule will go like this: Motivation Monday, True Confessions Tuesday, Weigh-in Wednesday, Thursday’s 3’s, Fitness, Friday, The Saturday Review, and Recipe Sunday. We’re so innovative, aren’t we?! So yeah. I’m … [Read more…]

New Year’s Eve is quickly approaching and for some of us party animals- HA! that means attending parties or hosting a party. Every party I host, I have to have homemade salsa on the table.  It is kind of expected by my friends and family by now.  I love salsa and have several “go-to” recipes, but … [Read more…]

I am NOT a runner. I don’t have the right shoes.  I have too much weight hanging around to be pounding my joints.  Running makes me huff and puff.  Let’s not forget HOW MUCH IT HURTS ME TO RUN. So yeah, I am NOT a runner. This is so funny to me now because back in the day, like WAYYYYYYYYYYYYY BACK … [Read more…]

It’s been a while since we’ve had an EA Sports Active 30 Day Challenge check-in. Those of you who said you would be participating in the 30 Day Challenge, tell me…..are you STILL doing it? I have been keeping up with it.  I like the “exercise 2 days, have a day off”- I can handle that.  There … [Read more…]

This recipe rocks the house and makes an excellent side dish. Food that tastes fresh, new and exciting is so enticing to me and just warms my heart. I had no idea that orzo could be so expensive so I made an executive decision at the grocery story to part ways with orzo and substituted basmati rice … [Read more…]

I love zucchini, and I love peppers, and I love tomatoes.  I rarely put all three together in a sauté pan.  In fact, I rarely sauté any veggies.  I am a fresh veggie kind of gal.  However, after following this simple recipe and the absolute deliciousness it was, I will be doing it more often.  I did … [Read more…]