The Saturday Review | The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


I HATE ab work. I mean, I really seriously hate it. So, when I was at FitBloggin and saw that I could try out Jackie Warner’s Crunch Free Xtreme Abs, I thought, sure, why not? Jackie gives us the choice of two work outs. In the Standing Crunch-Free Xtreme Abs, you spend 15 minutes (after […]

How many times have you heard, “DON’T DRINK YOUR CALORIES!”? Many, many, many times, right?  Right.  And how many times have you heard that artificial sweeteners are bad, bad, bad for you?  Many times, right? (That’s true, you know.  And a whole other post.) Well, what if I told you, I have found a 0 […]

Please see in the comments below if you’re a winner! (Winner selected by Picture it, Sicily 1942-oh sorry, way too many late night Golden Girls episodes lately.  Where was I?  Oh yes, picture it: I go to the gym, pick a machine, turn on my ipod, choose my playlist, put my ear buds in, […]