trans fats – The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE We are three weeks in to our Spring Clean You weight loss challenge – which means we are in the home stretch. You have one week to finish up sweeping the dust bunnies and cleaning out the fridge. So to speak. But you know, really cleaning out the fridge is probably a […]

Holy wow Shrinkvivors! Can you believe we’re almost to end of our Shrinkvivor Challenge? There are 27 members of Tribe Outlast and 54 people on Exile Island. Congratulations to all of you for making it this far in the game. It’s simply amazing to see how well all of you have done during this challenge, […]

Here you go Shrinkvivors!! This week’s challenges are up and I know you’re dying to find out what we have in store for you. Never fear, no bug eating this week, and the physical challenge is even pretty tame. Sorry for the lack of creativity this week…..this Sister’s been in a bit of a funk. […]

During this challenge we have been focusing on some heart healthy topics. Not only do we all wish to lose weight and shrink our jeans, but we also want to be healthy-heart healthy savvy too. When making better choices in our diets, deciding which is better, butter of margarine can be confusing. Do you all […]