weight maintenance – The Shrinking Jeans of Thea


August 3, 2011 By thea

While I’m still carrying around the same attitude about summer as I had last week, I think it’s safe to say that I’m in a bit of a slump.

While I did lose a bit of weight this week, I’m still in a number range I don’t want to be in.

My ice cream/shake/dessert consumption has been off the charts.

My new found desire to track my food so I can properly fuel my body for triathlons has had a head on collision with my age old desire to not care about crap like that.

My cardio sessions have been cut way, way down out of pure laziness and lack of oomph.

My weight/resistance training has…well…I never really had that so I guess you can’t miss what you’ve never done.

My inner “I DON’T WANNA!!” is definitely rearing her ugly little head.

I’m going to try to knock her out this week. She’s quite the annoying one.

July 27, 2011 By thea

I’ll be the first to admit, I haven’t been very faithful to my goals and to any kind of healthy eating this summer.

Which why it isn’t too surprising that I’ve gained 5 pounds in the last month or so. That dreaded 160 is back on the scale.

But you know what? I’m cool with it. I’ve really been enjoying my summer. And I know that the weight will come off.  I just need to buckle down and stop the slippery slope. I’ll get back to where I want to be. I’m confident of that.

About the only goal I’ve kept up with is the eating after 9pm. I seemed to have kicked that one to the curb, which pleases me greatly.

We were gone on vacation last week and there was a lot of desserts. Like, every day. But they were really good, and I don’t regret it at all. Also, since we were gone, I didn’t get a few of my training swims in, but I did pretty well with my biking and running. I completed a tri on Sunday, the 24th, and I was able to take 11 minutes off my previous time so I must be something right, right??

July 13, 2011 By thea

Summer is kicking my butt, guys. Last week in particular was pretty rough food wise. Based on my confessions yesterday, it’s no surprise that the scale showed a gain this week.

I’m a good two pounds out of my goal range, but I’m not discouraged. It’s just time to get back to the program…do what I know works, eat what I know fuels me, and relax about the whole thing. My stomach has not been happy with me lately, and I can’t blame it.

I started back to food tracking several weeks ago, but I got away from it last week. I’m not coming at it from a weight loss perspective, but rather a “fuel my body for insanely long workouts” perspective. Sports nutrition has been on my mind a lot lately.

Time to work the plan, yo.

Despite my horrible eating last week, I still pretty much rocked my goals!

  1. Dessert only once a week – I think I had dessert twice, maybe 3 times. Always ice cream, but pretty sensible portions. Let’s just pretend I imagined the caramel and hot fudge, though, m’kay?
  2. No snacking after 9pm – Actually, I nailed this every night.
  3. Complete 7 out of 8 cardio workouts a week – Getting stuff in while away last week proved a little hard. I was able to get 5 of my workouts in. I think I did something every single day.
  4. Follow Boot Camp plan – This one has definitely gone by the wayside. Time is just too much of an issue these days.

June 22, 2011 By thea

I always consider the first week of a new challenge almost like the trial run. A few days in and I forget what goals I set and then I have to look back and then there’s always that unplanned whatever that throws me for a loop.

Did I do 100% on my goals? No.

Did I gain weight? Yes. (But seriously? So what. I’m out of my weight range for the first time since FEBRUARY. That’s kick ass, yo.)

Could it have been worse? Always. It could always, always be worse.

  1. Dessert only once a week – I only had two big desserts this week. We went out for ice cream once after dinner and I had a shake when we went out to eat last night.
  2. No snacking after 9pm – I never did put the gum on the end table, but I managed to only have a late snack once last week. And really, the only reason I did it was because I realized very late that I had only eaten 1300 calories for the days. That’s way low. It may sound like justification, but it’s worth breaking one goal to not starve.
  3. Complete 7 out of 8 cardio workouts a week – I got 5 1/2 of my training workouts this week. Pretty darn good…it’s getting a little harder to finagle my time with the kids around.
  4. Follow Boot Camp plan – I was able to get it done on Monday…in my own way. I didn’t do it straight thru without breaks the way it was designed, but I did it in short little bursts while I was getting dinner ready. This is going to be a tough one. Getting one cardio session in a day is hard enough. Getting a 2nd workout in might just kill me. I’m not going to change this goal, but it is admittedly the lowest on the priority list.

June 15, 2011 By thea

Time for a new challenge!!

Now that I am a Non-Loser (I love that I get to type that), I haven’t really done a lot of the team challenges because I feel like I will drag everyone else down. But I decided to give it a whirl this time around, because I think I’m going to need a little extra push for the Boot Camp portion of the festivities.

I am very excited to be on Team 27 with Bethany, Zelma, Sarah, and Ryan.

I weighed in this morning within my healthy weight range of 153-157 pounds. That puts me within range for 18 out of the last 24 weeks of 2011. WOOHOO!!

So, goals for this challenge. I’m a big believer in goals…

  1. Dessert only once a week – Whether at home or at a restaurant, I can only have a real, true dessert once a week. A piece of candy every day after dinner is o.k. A huge ice cream sundae every day after dinner is not.
  2. No snacking after 9pm – I intend to keep a pack of game on the end table so that when I feel a craving hit, I can pop a piece of gum in.
  3. Complete 7 out of 8 cardio workouts a week – I would be doing pretty damn good if I were able to get this done. I have a tendency to fall down the slippery slope of missing one day, and then two, and then…
  4. Follow Boot Camp plan – I’ll be revising this as more information comes in about the boot camp. But right now, I plan on doing as much as I can.

So there you have it! Time to start putting that plan into action!

June 1, 2011 By thea

Yeah, so… May kind of came and went and I felt like it may have trampled me a little bit.

I definitely fizzled out there towards the end of the challenge, and that’s kind of normal for me. I wish it weren’t so, but that’s the way it is.

I weighed in this morning at 157, which puts me at 16 weeks out of 22 for the year that I’ve stayed in my healthy range. And the 6 weeks I wasn’t in range weren’t horribly off target. I’m kind of digging this year. I’m definitely feeling more in control and less a slave to the scale. ‘Tis a nice feeling.

Now, for this challenge in particular, I didn’t do too horribly. Let’s look at the bullet points, shall we?

  1. Be able to do 10 push ups from my toes – Yep. I can do it. And I can do more than 10. So take THAT, goal!
  2. My head will hit the pillow by 11pm during the week and by 12am on weekends. – I suck at going to bed early. The end.
  3. Get in one swim workout a week – I got two swims in this month. 50%. Hurrah for mediocrity!

May 18, 2011 By thea

I’m not sure how I maintained this week, because “good choices” was definitely NOT my mantra this week. More like “indulgence” and “binging” and “sleep deprivation”.

And now I’m sick. Which just makes me want to indulge and binge that much more. Hellllooooo, pity party!

On tho the goals…

  1. Be able to do 10 push ups from my toes – Today is my last day of Week 2. I took a few days off, but I think I’m back on track now. Or something.
  2. My head will hit the pillow by 11pm during the week and by 12am on weekends. – So. Did. Not. Happen. Not one single day. Which is why I feel exhausted and sick now. Good plan.
  3. Get in one swim workout a week – I did a swim last Wednesday. And that’s it.

UGH! I’m so not on tap with this challenge! I’m not sure what my mental break is for, but I need to get back into it before I go too much further down the Slippery Slope of Complacency!!

May 11, 2011 By thea

I have to keep it short and sweet today, ’cause I’m on the GO! Not a horrible week, but definitely room for improvement.

But nobody’s perfect, right?

I maintained last week, which puts me at maintenance for the 14 of the last 19 weeks. WOOT! I can’t even begin to tell you how AMAZING it feels to hit a groove.

On to the goals…

  1. Be able to do 10 push ups from my toes – I’m done with Week 1 of the 100 Push Ups challenge, and it is TOUGH to do toe push ups. I’m going to keep on keeping on, though.
  2. My head will hit the pillow by 11pm during the week and by 12am on weekends. – I’m calling this one a wash. I was successful 4 out of 7 days. My husband is out of town and I always go to bed super late when he’s gone. So I didn’t get to bed until between 11:30 and 12:00 on a couple of school nights. But even that is a huge improvement, because when he’s gone I typically stay up until 1am…sometimes even 2am.
  3. Get in one swim workout a week – This one didn’t happen last week, but I’ve got my gear all laid out to go today and I’m headed out as soon as I hit “publish”. I’m gonna get this done! Let’s do a little cheer that my swimsuit even still fits,  yo. It’s been a long time. I went once in February, and then it was October of 2010 before that. Oy. That’s bad.

May 5, 2011 By thea

I’m a little behind with the May Your Way challenge, but that’s how I roll. Sometimes, sometimes gotta give and unfortunately blogging seems to be the thing that gets left behind.

But I am keeping up with all my healthy living type stuff (even if I’m not blogging about it) and I’m happy to report that I was in my weight range goal (153 – 157) BEFORE I left for the cruise, AFTER I got back, and am still in it this week. I’m going to make the giant leap to say that I was in range DURING the cruise, which brings me to the current total of 13 of the last 19 weeks have been in goal range.

WOOT!! Who maintains weight on vacation? I DO!

Which brings us to May.

I’m not sure how many other Maintainers out there have this problem, but I find one of the biggest challenges of being at goal weight is finding NEW goals to strive for. It seems like everything’s been done and I sound like a broken record. That’s honestly one of the reasons I hadn’t blogged goals for May Your Way yet…I couldn’t think of any.

But I buckled down, thought about what I wanted out of this month, and came up with three things:

  1. Be able to do 10 push ups from my toes – While I’ve done the 100 Push Up challenge before, I chose not to participate during the last challenge. It was in the back of my mind though, so when I heard that April and Bari were giving it a go starting this week, I jumped on board with them.
  2. My head will hit the pillow by 11pm during the week and by 12am on weekends. – I had been doing so well with this several months back but then I got out of the habit and never picked it back up again. I NEED SLEEP!
  3. Get in one swim workout a week – I’m having problems with my knee again, so I need a way to keep moving. Plus, official triathlon training starts at the end of the month (or is it the beginning of June – I should check on that) so I need to get back in the habit NOW of  hauling my arse to the gym.

So that’s it for me. Better late than never, right??

February 2, 2011 By thea

I never confessed it yesterday, but I had a big bout of Emotional Eating for lunch yesterday. I went to McDonald’s and ordered a Quarter Pounder with Cheese Value Meal with a side of Cinnamon Melts.

On the way home, I realized what I had just done. Instead of cramming the food down my pie hole out of frustration (does anyone else eat faster when they are mad???) I decided to own up to my decision and enjoy my food. I slowed my eating down and savored each bite.

Did I regret it later my lunch later? Oh yeah. But there was no side of guilt to go along with it. There was no depression based on what I ate. I bought, ate it, enjoyed it, and moved on.

Heck, I even still worked out instead of giving in to that brick that was in my stomach. And I worked out hard. I ran my fastest mile ever and had a PR on the 5k distance.

As I sit here and write this, the song Defying Gravity pops into my head…

Something has changed within me Something is not the same I’m through with playing by the rules Of someone else’s game Too late for second-guessing Too late to go back to sleep It’s time to trust my instincts

Close my eyes: and leap!

That’s where I am now. I’ve changed. I’ve turned a corner. I feel good. I’m happy. I’m strong.

It’s been a good week, ya’ll. A very good week, indeed. I maintained at 157.

I’ll take it.

1. 10 minutes of either abs or yoga in the morning before the kids get up 3 days a week. – DID IT! 2. Run/Walk 3 days and cross-train 2-3 days a week. – 4 runs , 3 strength, in and 1 spinning in. 3. One sweet a day, at the END of the day. – Slipped up a little bit yesterday, but I hit it every other day.!

4. Limit pre-packaged foods. – I’m still struggling a little bit at night with this one, but for the most part I’m reaching for fruits and veggies during the day inistead of chips. That’s major progress.