weights – The Shrinking Jeans of Thea


August 31, 2011 By thea

Well, I didn’t quite make my goal of 2 pounds down from last week, but I am down 1 pound so I’ll take it. Overall for the challenge, I’m up a pound or two. What’s done is done, so there’s no use worrying about it. Time to move forward and make good choices THIS week.

But I’m not going to lie to you. I really, REALLY want to be back in my healthy weight range (2 pounds to go!) and start moving that little slide rule thingy over on my sidebar. It’s been sitting still for far too long.

Here are my specific goals:

  1. Dessert only once a week – Um… One time… Three times… Who’s counting, really?
  2. No snacking after 9pm – This is the one thing I’ve been able to keep up consistently over the course of the challenge. I haven’t had anything after 9pm for several weeks.
  3. Complete 7 out of 8 4 out of 5 cardio workouts a week – Nailed it! I need to get back on the bike though, and soon. I haven’t been on since by tri at the beginning of the month (it was traumatic, yo) and I have my last tri of the season in about 3.5 weeks.
  4. Follow Boot Camp plan Get in 3 strength sessions a week – I got at least two in, I know that. But I forget to keep track. BAD, GOAL SETTER!

March 23, 2011 By thea

It felt good to get back to it. My mood has improved dramatically over the past several days, in no small part to my March race.

I feel like I’m getting myself back to the spot I was physically a few weeks ago…which has helped my desire to fuel my body…and my desire to sleep…and my desire to have some reading downtime during the day.

It’s all connected, yo.

Food – 5 Fruits and Veggies every day, and pre-packaged snacks can’t have more than 5 ingredients.  I got no less than 4 servings every day, and managed to get that 5th serving in a couple of days. I did much better with the snacking this week, too…4 out of the 7 days! Let’s pretend I didn’t makeout with peanut butter and pretzels one night, m’kay?

Fitness – 30 minutes of cardio 4-5 days a week and 10-15 minutes of strength type stuff 5 days a week.  I  had a total of about 1.5 hours of cardio in this week, spread over 3 days and only 2 strength sessions. Better than last week but not where I want to be.

Fun/Focus – Read 1 or 2 chapters every day and get 7 hours of sleep every night. I got 5 chapters in this week, and I’m back to sleeping 7 hours EVERY NIGHT! Yay for antibiotics!!

March 16, 2011 By thea

What goes up must come down, right?

As amazing as Week 1 was for me, Week 2 was equally notsogreat. It wasn’t horrible, mind you. I didn’t go stark raving mad. I just do nearly as well.

Fine, I’ll just say it. I hardly met any of my goals. You happy?

A lot of obstacles stood in my way this past week. Some of them I put there myself, some of them got dropped in front of me. Either way, I didn’t handle the disruption very well.

Food – 5 Fruits and Veggies every day, and pre-packaged snacks can’t have more than 5 ingredients. Ummm, no. I got 3 F/V in every day.  I even managed to get a 4th in on one day. I tanked on the snacks. Big time. I didn’t meet that goal once this week!

Fitness – 30 minutes of cardio 4-5 days a week and 10-15 minutes of strength type stuff 5 days a week.  Ummmm…no. I got 30 minutes of cardio in twice. In 7 days, I worked out twice. So sad. And I got ZERO strength sessions in. Zero. Sigh.

Fun/Focus – Read 1 or 2 chapters every day and get 7 hours of sleep every night. I only got about 4 chapters in this week. My sleeping has been abysmal. I’m not sure what the exact problem is, but I am hardly sleeping at night. And I’m a zombie during the day. I’m going to bed on time, I’m just not sleeping. It really sucks.

And so begins a new week. I’m going to make an effort to make it better. I’m the only one with the power to do it.

March 9, 2011 By thea

It’s been a while since I’ve been able to say this, but I’ve had a STELLAR week. WOOHOO! That was a long time coming.

It was tough, but I just buckled down and did it. Every day I had a choice. Hell, every meal I had a choice. And I think I did pretty daggone good.

Food – 5 Fruits and Veggies every day, and pre-packaged snacks can’t have more than 5 ingredients. I had 5 F/v on 3 days, 4 F/V on 3 days, and 3 F/V on 1 day. That’s a vast improvement over my 2-a-day habit. And I did not have one single snack all week that had more than 5 ingredients!

Fitness – 30 minutes of cardio 4-5 days a week and 10-15 minutes of strength type stuff 5 days a week.  I got 30 minutes of cardio in on 3 days and I got strength in on 4 days. Perfect? No. But progress!

Fun/Focus – Read 1 or 2 chapters every day and get 7 hours of sleep every night. 6 chapters read over 7 days and I got 7 hours of sleep EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. Not all of it was restful (stupid head cold), but I was in bed for 7 hours. That’s huge.

And can I just say that my partner, Jen, is amazing? We have been e-mailing every day and I just love talking things out with her. So much of this journey is about SO MUCH MORE than food and exercise, you know? It’s good to hash things out with someone!

March 2, 2011 By thea

I kind of disappeared at the end of that last challenge, didn’t I?


So, I’m super-duper excited for this challenge. I have an awesome partner (everybody say hi to Jen…. HI, JEN!) and we are going to tear this challenge UP!


Anyhoo, Jen and I are choosing to not focus on that pesky little number on the scale for this challenge. I’m still cruising along in Maintenance Mode and Jen has kicked her scale to the curb because she’s focusing on her overall health.

As a team, we decided we would each come up with three goals for our self: a food goal, a fitness goal, and a fun/focus goal. Of course, we each picked more than three.  : P

Here’s mine: Food – 5 Fruits and Veggies every day, and pre-packaged snacks can’t have more than 5 ingredients. Fitness – 30 minutes of cardio 4-5 days a week and 10-15 minutes of strength type stuff 5 days a week.

Fun/Focus – Read 1 or 2 chapters every day and get 7 hours of sleep every night.

So there you have it! It’ll be a challenge to find pre-packaged foods with 5 ingredients or less, but I guess that’s the whole point right? I’m challenging myself to pay attention to what goes into my mouth. I already know of one cracker that only has 3, and I was a little crushed to find out that my favorite snack has 7 (I thought sure it only had 5), but that’s the way the cookie crumbles,  I guess.

March 16, 2010 By thea

I was thinking that I was actually doing pretty good this past week.

And then I got my Daily Mile workout report on my e-mail.  And it reminded me that I didn’t log a single workout last week.

I guess there’s that.

But I started anew with my 10k training program this morning.  I went to the gym and found the weight machines I needed and then discovered some long lost muscles.

Who woulda thunk that my calves would be so weak?

And then there’s the dessert.  There’s some leftover Valentine’s Day candy that has been calling my name from his place of honor in the middle of the counter.  And the last of the Girl Scout cookies that have been around so long.

But they’re going to be around a little while longer.  For this week’s Monday Project, I’m giving up candy/dessert for a week.

Which I will start today because I had already eaten cookies yesterday before I read the post about the Monday Project.

The end.