Sugar. You Suck. | The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


I like sugar. I like sugar a lot.

I like it on my cereal.  I like it on my oatmeal. I like it in my coffee. I like it baked into stuff. I like it not baked into stuff.

What I don’t like is how it makes me want to eat more. How one cookie becomes 3.  How one piece of cake becomes 6 (yes…6). How, despite my total lack of control, IT IS ALWAYS IN MY HOUSE!

I have 2 kids.  I can’t escape sugar totally.  I really do WANT to have sugar in my house so that I can teach my kids that sugar is not bad; too much sugar is bad. WAY too much sugar is really, really bad.

April is a very bad sugar month for me.  Girl Scout Cookies, Easter candy, ice cream on Jake’s birthday, brownies for Jake’s party at school, cake for Jake and Emma’s birthday party, ice cream on Emma’s birthday, Knox Blocks for Emma’s party at school, leftovers of ALL of the above mentioned…

And how do I get rid of it?  I eat it. Almost all of it. And then I wonder how I can have a 3 pound gain.

Really, there’s no point to this post other than to vent.

And to say that i need to step away from the sugar.  I just read that an adult on a 2,000 calorie diet should get no more than 40 grams of sugar a day.

Considering my morning yogurt has 14 grams, I think I have some work to do.  I’m going to keep a sugar diary for the next couple of weeks just to see exactly how much I eat on a normal basis.  Care to join me?

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