The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC – Eating Right Because Our Jeans Are Too Tight


This week has been ugly. I don’t even really want to confess, but I will. I’ll take one for the team.  Here goes:

1) My birthday was last Wednesday. It started out great – I ate a healthy breakfast, then Subway for lunch. Not bad, right? I know. Then all Hell broke loose in the form of cupcakes and takeout Chinese food. As I lay on the couch surveying the food carnage, I swear I could feel all the grease settling into a solid in my gut. Ugh. It was an UGLY full. Ugly.

2) The birthday resulted in a half can of funfetti frosting in my fridge. We all know where this is going…let’s just say it’s not there anymore and I didn’t throw it away.  Hangs head in shame.

3) The leftover Chinese food? Yeah, I should have thrown it out, but no. I ate it for lunch the next day. Hello sodium! I think even if I drank a tub full of water, I couldn’t undo that bloat.

4) And tonight? Yeah, I’m stressed. And I’ve had a couple of drinks. I don’t drink to diffuse tension often, but it is doing the trick tonight…

5) I did my 12 mile run yesterday and I was SO bored and SO hungry during the run that I considered stopping and eating something at 7-11. Instead, I stopped and bought a water. Small victories, right?

Sooooo. There you have it. Not pretty right?

Now it’s your turn. Spill it in a blog post and link up, or feel free to just confess in a comment. We don’t judge, I promise says the woman who ate a can of frosting.

Tags: birthday, chinese, frosing, take out, vodka

Category: Heather, True Confessions