Thursday Three's- What I Have Learned From Reality TV | The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


I like to watch TV in the evenings, specifically reality TV. 

The husband rags me about it, asking “what do you get out of this” and “can’t you spend your time exercising your brain in better ways” or some stupid stuff like that.  What he doesn’t understand is that I get so much more from reality TV than watching people lose massive amounts of weight (The Biggest Loser), or avidly waiting for The Bachelor to choose the “right” girl, or sitting on the edge of my seat as Pamela Anderson shimmies her “stuff” on Dancing With the Stars. 

Besides watching for the “trash” factor, I am learning something from these shows.  I am learning things that I can apply to real life or to weight loss or to fitness or to motherhood/parenting.

For example……

1.  The Biggest Loser.  I love love love this show and watch practically every season.  I find the show inspiring, motivational, and educational.   I mean, here I am on my own weight loss journey.  I am watching as normal folks from every walk of life attempt and mostly succeed at losing hundreds of pounds. 

Of course, they have the help of awesome trainers like Jillian and Bob and are taught so many things while living on the ranch, but at some point, they have to return home to their normal lives and figure out how to keep losing weight and/or maintain their weight loss.  They learn how to shift their mental thinking.  They learn WHY they have gotten to where they are and they learn how to address those issues.  They learn how to push themselves beyond anything they thought possible with their physical selves. 

There have been many of times while running, where I have thought about the contestants on BL and I think about Jillian yelling at them that they can DO ANYTHING for ONE MINUTE.  I then up my speed to something I think I can’t possibly run at and then I do it for one minute.   

Also, did you know that Extra Gum is an excellent way to curb a craving?!!!  Yeah, I learned that from The Biggest Loser and I am here to testify that it really works, especially when I am wanting to snack at night after the kids are in bed that’s comfort eating for me.

2.  Survivor.  Outwit.  Outplay.  Outlast. 

Once again, I have watched this show since the very beginning.  It helps that my husband absolutely LOVES this show, too- it’s something we can watch together and we plan our Thursday nights around it.  It is supreme awesome-ness as it takes everyday people and throws them out somewhere in the middle of nowhere, with no/limited food or water.  Teams.  Physical Challenges.  Mental Challenges.  Game Play.  Only one survivor at the end. 

What have I learned:  The mental game is just as important as the physical game.  Also, that alliances and having a team that’s got your back no matter what is important too until they turn on you but we’re going to ignore that for now. 

My “team” is all of you here at Shrinking Jeans and I know none of you will stab me in the back, right?.

So there.  Two shows that I adore.  Yes, I realize that today is Thursday Three’s and yet, I have only shared two shows with you, but that’s where YOU come in. 

I want you to share with me/all of us what the third would/should be.  What is your favorite reality show and have you learned anything from it that you can apply to your weight loss journey/fitness/life?  If you don’t watch reality TV how could this be? then what about any of your favorite TV shows?  If you don’t watch TV at all, then maybe share something you have learned from somewhere/someone else that you have taken to heart with this journey.

Please share- I can’t wait to read all of your words!

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