Abandoning the Excuses | The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


The last few months have been hard. Really, really hard. The reasons for that aren’t important to this post. It just helps build the framework as to how I fell off track with my exercising. It has been just about nonexistent.

I just checked the studio website where I work out and I attended four classes in September and no classes so far in October. This is totally unacceptable. TOTALLY!!!

The past few days, I have been doing a lot of reflecting. I’ve taken long walks with my camera. I’ve tried to bring some peace back to my life. Although I would change nothing that I’ve done the last few months because I was where I was supposed to be and where I needed to be, it is time to take back some “me” time.

Quite unbelievably, I haven’t gained any weight. I’ve actually lost a pound, but I feel awful. My joints hurt, I’m always tired and I’m getting winded when I climb stairs. Those are things that haven’t happened in a long time. It just goes to show you how quickly things can change back to the old ways.

On my walks, I remembered how I felt when I was working out regularly. I thought about what it was like to eat good food and eat at normal times. I remembered how good I felt when I was doing the right things. I remembered how much I loved going to the studio and being pushed to my limits. I thought about how much I miss all my friends there.

Today, I am abandoning the excuses! I am back at classes five days a week. I am still walking. I am eating right. I am getting enough sleep. I am taking time to do the things that I want to do. Although I am still going to be there for the people who need me, I am going to be there for me too. I need me just as much as they do.

I hope that you are all finding the time for yourself too. Make the time! We are all so worth it. To paraphrase the old saying, “How can we be any good to anyone else, if we aren’t any good to ourselves?” I truly believe this. Although I had many good reasons for not going to classes, I also didn’t go to classes sometimes because I just didn’t want to. I was tired, I was weary, I was sad, I was making excuses. But, not anymore.

Bye bye excuses! I’m back!!

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