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If you are planning on traveling over the Thanksgiving holiday, chances are you will be skimping on the exercise. I know that I rarely get my workouts in when I am out of town. There are plenty of ways to get some exercise done while being away from the gym and without lugging a bunch of heavy … [Read more…]

I wanted to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your time with your families and loved ones. Enjoy the food… in MODERATION. Portion control is so, so tough on holidays, but so important if we want to stay on our path to thinness!! Don’t forget our first weight loss challenge is approaching … [Read more…]

I know, I know… I am a little late with the introduction post. My husband and I took a quick (kid-less!) trip to San Diego. It was a blast, but now it’s back to work. Time to focus. I have been struggling with my weight for years. Like so many other women, I used my pregnancies as excuses to eat … [Read more…]