Hey! – The Shrinking Jeans of Melissa


May 12, 2009 By Lissa

Just checking in! It’s been awhile since I have posted on my personal blog! I have been down for the count lately! Seems like I have been sick for ages now -took antibiotics last week, but they didn’t work. I guess I need to try something else. Remember my injury mid-Shred? Well, it is still bothering me. Dr. Google and I are thinking that it is probably this. I would bet money on it.

Now, you are probably wondering if I am participating in Shred the Second. Truth betold, I have not started yet. I think I will wait a few more days at least. I pretty much ceased all exercise the last few weeks, but yesterday walked about 2 miles, and today, I got back to the gym and did 2.25 miles and weights. Baby steps!

I am excited to see all the newbies, as well as the repeat offenders (thanks, Amanda!). I am cheering you on ALL THE WAY!