Shrinkaversary, Week 6 – The Shrinking Jeans of Thea


December 9, 2009 By thea

You know it’s been a long day when you SWEAR you hit publish only to realize that you never even started the post.


I was very pleasantly surprised when I stepped on the scale this morning. Dave has been gone since Monday and I am not known for my “good choices” when he is gone.

I am down 1.4 pounds this week!  1.4 pounds!!  That’s freakin’ awesome!!

We only have one week to go and I have 1.8 pounds to lose.  Honestly, that’s a lot for me at this stage in the game.  I was SHOCKED to have a 1.4 pound loss this week at all.

I’m not sure I’ll hit that mark, but I’ll lose some weight trying.