The Lone Man | Team Shrinking Jeans


If you visited the Shrinking Jeans team fundraising page, you may have noticed one sole male member amongst several women.  Well my name’s Mike, and yeah I hope I’m not crashing the parade too much haha.  I

met Christy as part of the EA Sports Active For Life Challenge and she

sold me on joining the Virtual team for this crazy half marathon that we will run to raise money to find a cure for Leukemia, Lymphona, and

other bone cancers.

I’ve now been training for the San Diego Half Marathon for about a month now.  Last Tuesday I was celebrating running 3.6 miles in 30 minutes by myself, and on Saturday I already topped that by running a little over 6 miles in an hour on my own! It’s kind of surreal to even be doing this; 9 months and 40+ pounds ago I would of laughed at myself for attempting this. The San Diego Half Marathon will mark my one year anniversary of starting an active lifestyle, and I’m pretty excited. It’s been great doing this with Team in Training so that way the half marathon is not going to just be about myself but about

fighting Leukemia, Lymphona, and other bone cancers.

For more information about my weight loss and how I got started living an active lifestyle, check out my EA Sports Active blog at and a commercial I was in for the game from

Winter 2010 and web advertisement