A Prescription for Healing, Finally – The Shrinking Jeans of Lisa


July 7, 2010 By lisa

I know it is weigh-in day (I only lost 0.2 lbs but hey, a loss is a loss, right?!), but other things are more fore-front in my mind.

Mainly, the nagging hip pain I have had since May 1st.  The one that has caused me to limp since May 1st.  The pain that prevented me from running the half marathon in San Diego the way I wanted to run it.  The pain that has not allowed me to run at all and if I did, it hurt like hell.

The pain that has consumed me day in, day out….SINCE MAY 1st. 

Today, I went to a local sports rehab place that had FREE injury evaluations.  I met with one of their doctors- he poked and prodded my hip.  He twisted it this way and that way.  He dug his fingers INTO various muscles in the area, waiting for me to go “OWWWWWW”.

The diagnosis:  severe tightening of multiple muscles, with limited to no flexibility in my hip

He said that I had scar tissue build-up over my muscles and that the scar tissue and tight muscles were choking my sciatic nerve;  he said my muscles were not loosening (does that sound right?), just staying tight and tighter.  I can still feel his finger impressions from when he was digging into my muscles.

He prescribed a treatment plan that includes Advanced Release Technology- twice a week for 2-3 weeks, 1-1.5 hours each session. 

His #1 goal is to get me to where I am not limping.  I agree.

His next goal is to get me back to running, pain-free.  I agree.

He thinks I will be back to running by the end of next week.  SO SOON?

I told him that I was scared and nervous of running, that I am afraid of being “broken” again.  He said he will help me with the “brain game”.  He will teach me how to strengthen my core and help prevent this from happening again.

While this evaluation was free, the treatment plan will not be.  In fact, I  will drop a pretty penny for these therapy sessions.  However, it is worth it to me.  I am sick and tired of limping, nevermind the fact that running has not been an option for me lately.

I am ready to swipe my credit card, get treated, NOT limp anymore, and run like the wind.