Focus on Fitness :: Avoiding Boredom – The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


I was reading weigh-in posts Wednesday evening, and this post by Sarah inspired me to talk about one thing that most of us may have had problems with when it comes to fitness.

By show of hands (Yes, I can see you raise your hands.  Didn’t you know that?), who here has experienced this:

You decide to get fit, you find a work out schedule that you love, you start out strong, see results, you’re feeling GREAT, a week or so passes, you’re still going strong and seeing results and you’re still loving it, then one day, you feel the ugh of  “I don’t feel like doing this AGAIN.”, and then that feeling happens again and again and again…

Then BOOM. You’re bored.

Yep, just as I thought.  I see most of you nodding your heads. (That’s okay, I won’t hold it against you for not raising your hand…until the next Tworkout.)

And what do most of us do when boredom sets in?  We quit.

I know what you’re thinking. (Yes, I can read minds, too.)  How do we avoid getting to the point of boredom that we quit?  Hey, it happens to the best of us.  And the point isn’t that you get bored, the point IS that you avoid it.

I have your answer to this.  A few of them actually:

  • Try a new work out. Pick something that you’ve heard about or seen on TV or something that sparks your interest and TRY IT.  It never hurts to try, if you don’t love it, you can try something else until you find something you do love.  Our bodies get used to the same old routines anyway and may stop responding when you do the same work out over and over.  So, CHANGE IS GOOD. (Whoa. Did I just say that?) Changing it up keeps you from getting bored, plus will keep your body responding to your work outs.
  • Buy something new to work out in. I have been known to get excited over something as simple as buying new athletic socks.  I’m not sure what it is, but just the feeling of new work out clothes or shoes (man, especially shoes) or even a new work out accessory is enough to get me up and moving again.
  • If you work out to music, buy new music. I know that when I run or do the elliptical, I HAVE TO listen to music and I have to change that music up often or running/ellipticaling (Shut up, that TOTALLY is a word.) isn’t going to happen.  New music on my work out playlist motivates me to keep my feet moving.
  • Find someone to work out with you. I’m usually a work out alone kind of girl, but when I feel myself getting bored with it, I will sometimes force ask someone to work out with me.  Work out buddies can be great because, they give you company, motivate you to get your work out in because you know someone else is depending on you to work out with you.
  • I want to here YOUR suggestions on how you avoid boredom!

And THAT’S how you avoid getting bored with working out.

You’re welcome.

HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE!  Have a nice and healthy weekend!  Stay cool!