Gone is the Sugar Momma. – The Shrinking Jeans of Melissa


November 17, 2010 By Lissa

Yeeeee-haw!  Today is the beginning of the Holiday Hoedown! I have a rocking team, we like to call ourselves the HoHoHoes. We are pretty klassy like that.

It seems I have a bit of a sugar problem/addiction/obsession. That’s not really a secret. I know this. Some days I care, others I don’t. But once I start eating candy, the more candy I WANT. It’s a never-ending cycle! After I read Elaine’s inspirational story about her success with the South Beach diet, I knew that is what I needed. Knowing and committing are two totally different stories, though, and I really didn’t know if I wanted to take that leap.

Then we headed to the rig to hang out with my hubby at work for a few days and I was knee-deep in hint-of-lime tortilla chips and anything else I could shove in my face and saw a tweet from my teammate, Karena, saying she was going to follow South Beach and was I in. That was the push I needed. I am going to cut my carbs and sugar drastically and see what happens. I have ordered the book and a few cookbooks and will immerse myself in this new choice.

I did low-carb eating with my Dad after I had my daughter at age 20. It worked well for me. Tough, but effective. My husband and I have been seriously considering the possibility of adding another child to our family of six, and I sure as hell don’t want to start a pregnancy at my current weight. NO WAY. So this is my plan. My choice. Lock it down and get ‘er done.

Luckily, Justin is gone for the next two weeks, because I have a feeling that I might be difficult to get along with. On the flip side, I also have Thanksgiving to contend with while on the strict Phase 1 of the plan.

My goals for this challenge:

  • I will be at 199 before Christmas. This is HUGE, I know, especially since I am such a sloooooow loser. I truly believe it will happen for me, with the combination of controlling my carbs and keeping at kickboxing and working out.
  • Speaking of kickboxing, I am going to *try* to get to one of the non-a.m. classes each week, in addition to my Friday morning class and muscle work classes 3x weekly. I also need to start doing “something” on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

My starting weight for this challenge is 215. Not sure how in the hell I can be down again after the few weeks I have had, but I’m not complaining! I’m READY! Are you?