Power of One – Week 4 – The Shrinking Jeans of Thea


January 26, 2011 By thea

I’m tired, ya’ll, so this post is going to be short and sweet.

I rocked this week. And the scale responded.

Funny how that happens, right?

Anyway I’m done 1.6 pounds this week to 157! Woo to the Hoo!

Here are my goals:

1. 10 minutes of either abs or yoga in the morning before the kids get up 3 days a week. – DID IT!
2. Run/Walk 3 days and cross-train 2-3 days a week. – 4 runs in and 1 cardio in.
3. One sweet a day, at the END of the day. – NAILED IT!
4. Limit pre-packaged foods. – I slacked a little on this one, but never went overboard. Night time is the hardest for me when it comes to this.