Healthify Your Vacation – The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


Summer vacation is upon us, and for many of you, that means travel. Whether you’re flying, road tripping, going to the beach or mountains, maintaining a healthy routine can be tough when you’re away from home.

But it’s not impossible. If you plan a bit, you can find ways to incorporate healthy habits into your vacation. One big way to help yourself stay on track while on vacation is by packing the right things.

  • Reusable water bottle. If you have a full water bottle with you at all times, you’ll be more likely to stay hydrated. Duh, right?
  • Healthy snacks: Keep raw almonds, dried fruit, whole fruit, or your favorite protein bar at the ready. If you’re road tripping, make sure to bring a cooler stocked with fresh veggies, Greek yogurt, low fat string cheese and other healthy and filling snacks to help avoid maxing out your credit card on nachos, Slim Jims and slurpees.
  • Workout clothes & shoes: If you take the time to pack them, you’ll more than likely use them. They take up a lot of space in your luggage, after all!
  • Your gadgets: iPod, GPS watch, heartrate monitor. Whatever gets you through your workout, take it along.  You can even download travel workouts to your iPod.
  • Look into resistance bands. They are very light and luggage friendly, and you can use them to work out almost anywhere. Plus there are a zillion different exercises you can do using these handy bands.

A little preparation goes a long way towards a healthy vacation! Of course, don’t forget you ARE on vacation. So relax a bit, okay?

What do you take when you’re on vacation to stay on track? Let us know in the comments!

Tags: featured, healthy vacation, packing healthy, summer vacation

Category: Heather, MIND IT