Couch to 5K Check-In #2 | The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


Here we are- week 3 of the Couch to 5K program!  Are you still around?  Are in this for the long haul?  Lots of folks fall off this week- they get tired, life gets busy, the run segments get longer and they wonder what the heck they are doing.  Is that you or do you have the discipline and commitment to see this through?  Running is not easy and I say that as someone who has been running for a few years.

Some on you might be wondering about your pace and thinking you are too slow to be a runner.  Pish- posh, throw those thoughts right out of your head, stat.  Right now you should only be thinking about forward motion, positive thoughts and getting your body used to the very cardio aspect of running.  I wrote a post recently about embracing your pace.  If you haven’t read it yet, then you really should!

I am proud of you guys, for putting one foot in front of the other, to getting out there and getting it done, even when you don’t want to- those runs, the runs that hurt r suck or just don’t feel good for whatever reason, those are the ones that really count, that go into your memory bank.  They are just as important as the *I feel fantastic* runs.  Really.

Now get out there and keep pounding the payment!

Week 3- Days 1, 2 and 3 Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then do two repetitions of the following: Jog 200 yards (or 90 seconds) Walk 200 yards (or 90 seconds) Jog 400 yards (or 3 minutes)

Walk 400 yards (or three minutes)