The Older Sister / Regrouping | The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


I’m sitting here eating black licorice and drinking a Bacardi and coke and trying to figure out what to write about. I am back at work. Today was our first full day with kids and I am exhausted. All I want to do is go to bed, but 15 minutes ago, I realized I had a post due.

What I came up with was telling you about the regrouping that I have going on. I’m kind of pushing the reset button on my fitness plan. According to DailyMile, I had a fantastic training week last week. I walked 35.93 miles. This week, not so fantastic. I’ve only walked ten miles and it is already Thursday night. This going back to work thing is eating up a lot of my time and walking is taking a back burner.

I promised myself back in March that I would walk at least one mile every day. So far, I haven’t missed one day of walking since then. This summer, I went a little crazy with the walking. I was averaging five to seven miles a day with most days being in the upper end of that. I loved that time. It was my time for me to think and solve the problems of the world and my life.

Now that I am back to work full time, I just don’t have that kind of time during the week not to mention that it has rained the past two days. Getting in that one little mile on the treadmill is kicking my butt.

I have spent a good amount of time trying to figure out a new plan for getting in a good workout and keep my job and I think I did it. Enter Donya, former Sisterhood writer and Beach Body coach!

You’ve heard of Beach Body, right? Insanity, Piyo, Rockin Body, T25. The workout dvd’s that kick your booty into shape with a little help for your eating plan too. I’m starting the T25 Challenge on Monday with Donya and the instructor in the dvd’s is Shaun T. I’ve previewed a couple of the dvd’s and I really like him.

My plan is to get up bright and early and do the dvd before work. It is only 25 minutes long, but it’s going to be 25 jam packed minutes of Shaun T kicking my butt. I will walk at least one mile after work and use Saturday and Sunday to still get in a couple of my long walks.

Donya is already inspiring me and we haven’t even started yet. I know she is going to keep me in line. She will check in with the challenge group twice a day and is there for us any time we need her. She wants our weight and measurements once a week. I’m excited to start.

That’s how I’m doing some regrouping in the fitness department. I have some goals that I set for myself. The first are shorter termed goals that I want to accomplish by December 11 when I turn 60. The second set of goals are for July 18, 2015 when my daughter gets married. With Donya and Shaun T in my corner, I think it’s going to be a good mix. Regrouping, here I come!

Oh yeah, this time next week, you won’t find me in front of the computer eating black licorice and drinking a Bacardi and coke. No way, no how!!

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