Misc – The Shrinking Jeans of Mel


March 30, 2011 By Mel

Wow, I can’t believe we’re already FOUR weeks into this challenge.  Time has truly just become a big blur for me while I’ve been sick.  I’ve been working from home from the most part, so one day just seems to blend into the next.  Other than trips to the doctor(s) and Target for the medications and groceries, I haven’t really gone anywhere in nearly a month with the exception of darting out to my Weight Watchers meeting a couple of times to weigh in.  I did try to go to the office for a half day on Monday, but it was just too much still.  I’ve been working at home again the past couple of days.  By doing that, I can nap/rest as I need.

Here’s my weigh-in result for Week 4 of the challenge:

Challenge Starting Weight: 260.8
Last Week’s Weight:
Current Weight: 260.2 Weekly Loss: -2.4 Total Challenge Loss: 0.6

WOOOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!  OMG, you guys just can’t imagine how excited I was to see this number this morning.  It’s been WEEKS since I’ve had such a nice loss due to being sick and on so many medications.  As of today, I’m finally down to just two now, so I’m hopeful the scale will continue to cooperate for the rest of the challenge.  Because right now, it’s a little depressing to realize I’ve basically only lost a half pound in the past month.  That having been said, I’m uber excited to be so close to dropping down into a new decade! *insert happy dance*

Until next time …


January 29, 2011 By Mel

I just wanted to take a moment to post a quick hello to any of the folks from my local Weight Watchers meeting here in southern California who might be checking out the site.  I was thrilled when our leader AmyLynn gave me a minute to let you all know about this site and that I’m a Contributing Writer here now.  I hope you’ll find lots of great information that you can use and that you’ll return often!

If you would, please leave me a comment below to let me know you stopped by.  Thanks!

January 27, 2011 By Mel

As seen on Ben Does Life.

  1. You don’t have to pull the seatbelt as far to click it.
  2. Let’s be honest, chub-rub sucks.
  3. Far fewer sweat stains.
  4. Cartwheels are much easier (and graceful).
  5. No more pulling the shirt out of fat rolls when you sit down. (don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about.)
  6. People don’t eyeball you questioningly when you take the last cookie/slice of pizza.
  7. You can put your shoes on like a normal person. For those of you that have never been obese, trust us, it’s really really hard to put shoes on.
  8. No more fat-tax ($2 for XXL and up shirts)
  9. No more pretending like you’re wearing a T-shirt over your bathing suit to “prevent sunburns.”
  10. Floors don’t creak as loudly. Sneaking up on people is much easier.

So true! LOL