bob harper – The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


Before I begin, I realize that some of you still love the show and that’s great. However you get your inspiration is great, but for me personally, I have a little bit of a rant to go on. Back when I began blogging, I had my feet firmly planted in the cement of the church […]

On cold winter mornings when I was a kid, For school I would wake, barely opening my eyelids. I stumbled and mumbled my way down the hall To the kitchen from where my mom would call. At the breakfast table, a bowl appeared before me and I opened one eye and what did I see?! […]

GOOOOD MORNING TWORKOUT-ERS! Isn’t it a lovely fall day? There’s just enough chill in the air to make a nice hot bowl of oatmeal the best start to your morning. National Oatmeal Day is on Saturday, October 29th, but we’re starting the celebration early with Quaker Oats! Here are just a few ways from Quaker […]