food journaling – The Shrinking Jeans of Lisa


December 1, 2010 By lisa

The last time I weighed myself officially was 2 weeks ago:  161.8lbs

Today’s weight:  164.4 lbs

Gain of 2.6 lbs

Not surprising given my utter disregard for my eating plan for Thanksgiving week and being away from home.  It sucks, but I am not surprised. All my clothes still fit comfortably so that is one blessing.  I cannot change what I have already done, BUT I can get back on track with eating right and exercising, which brings me to my three five goals for December.

I’m going back to the basics for this month.

  1. Eat 5 servings of fruits and veggies EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.  (I have already eaten 3.5 servings today and it’s only 12:45pm!).  I have been lazy with this recently and I just feel ick.  Time to get back in the game and give my body the good stuff.
  2. Exercise a minimum of four times a week and shot for five times a week.  Exercise will be either running, spinning, swimming, a fitness class, or lifting weights. 
  3. Register for my next race.  I am finding that I NEED something to train for, otherwise, I just flounder with the exercise/running.  I need a plan or I find excuses not to fit it in, especially during the holidays when SO many things compete for my attention.  I mean, on a normal day, I am ridiculously busy but throw in the month of December on top of the normal busy, and it’s enough to drive me insane.  I need to pick a race to train for so that I will actually train and so that my brain can relax fromthe exercise endorphins and not freakin’ explode.
  4. In the same manner, I want to simplify some areas of my life.  I’ll get back to you on this one.
  5. Lastly, journal journal journal.  It’s my least favorite thing to – I abhor it because then I can’t cheat.  Yes, I realize how stupid this sounds, but writing down what I eat is the bane of my existence.  However, I also know that if I have to write it down, then I am less likely to shove more than is necessary in my piehole that sounds all kinds of wrong.

So let’s just get on with it so that I get the weight off.  I want to be in the 150′s by the time New Year’s hits.

June 30, 2010 By lisa

Let’s skip the formalities and jump to what you’re really here for, MY WEIGHT!

Last week’s weight:  175.4 lbs (ugh)

This week’s weight: 174 lbs (yippee)

A loss of 1.6 lbs

Happy dance, happy dance, happy dance!

Although I’ll be a whole lot happier when I say good-bye to the 170′s (again)!  Last week was my first time to weigh-in in quite some time and I vowed to weigh-in every week this Summer.  I am also leading the mini-challenges which is keeping me accountable to actually DOING the mini-challenges-HA!  This week, I have been focusing hard on what I am eating, journaling it, getting in my fruits and veggies and drinking tons of water.  

I’ve returned to going to the gym, A LOT.  I went four times last week, just getting back in to the groove of exercising.  I took a Body Kombat class for the first time (a mix of kickboxing and martial arts) and I took a Spin class.  I lifted weights, I rode the stationary cycle and I walked on the treadmill. 

I have my eyes on training for the San Antonio Rock n Roll Half Marathon on November 14th and possibly even doing this event (a beach run) on August 14th, both with Christy. 

Another thing I cannot stop thinking about is doing a triathlon.  The one I did back in February during the Sisterhood Olympics opened my eyes to the fun of mixing it up- swimming, biking and running.  I spend my evenings scouring the want ads for a used bike (OMG- who knew bikes could be so expensive?  Plus the gear- ack!  If money grew on trees, then I would get this bike.).  I spend a lot of time reading triathlon books and checking out various races and different websites.  I am “this close” to attending an “Austin triathlon training group seminar” to see if I can hook up with a local group for training. 

Thinking about tri’ing gives me excited butterflies in my stomach.  Not nervous-ness, not anxiety, not “can I do this”……nope, I have excitement and butterflies because I already know I CAN DO THIS

Even though my time for the 1/2 marathon in San Diego with Team Shrinking Jeans was not what I wanted it to be and even though I did it with a bum hip, completing it gave me something I could not get anywhere else- BELIEF IN MYSELFI KNOW I will finish whatever races I sign up for, of that, I am 100% certain.  I added to “the bank” once I crossed that finish line and my mental game is even stronger now.

I’m all over the board today, huh? 

So yeah, Summer 2010 is going to kick ass for me, I just know it.