Healthy Holiday Ho’s – The Shrinking Jeans of Thea


December 15, 2010 By thea

Hey! Guess who didn’t check in last week!


I was way up because I’m a girl and “way up, bloated mess” happens every 28 days.

And maybe it was all the take out and pizza, too. Hm. Hard to tell.

Or maybe the lack of exercise. That could have been it, too.

Anyway, I am back down this week…1.8 pounds. Which doesn’t even put me in my healthy range, so that gives you an idea of exactly how much I gained.

But I will be back down in my range by the end of this weigh in. Oh yes, I will.

  1. As always, stay within the 153-157 pound range. Nope, but I did lose this week.
  2. Do something active every day. Even if it’s only dancing for 5 minutes. 3/7 days
  3. Limit myself to one sweet treat a day (Exception: Thanksgiving Day) CHECK!
  4. When I have a choice, skip the food with a wrapper. CHECK-ish!

December 1, 2010 By thea


And then, after I survived Thanksgiving, I survived a weekend road trip. That included more Thanksgiving type food AND a chicken pot pie.

That was a damn good chicken pot pie.

I only gained .2 pounds this week. Two Tenths of one pound. AFTER THANKSGIVING!!!


I’m happy. Oh yes I am.

I logged 123 minutes of exercise (and some of that was walking the halls of the hotel. BORING!) and had at least 80 oz of water every day.

This week kind of rocked.

Oh and non-scale victory. I bought a new pair of jeans. In a SIZE 8!! This is my third official size 8 piece of clothing that fits. That feels amazing.

My goals for this challenge…

  1. As always, stay within the 153-157 pound range. CHECK!
  2. Do something active every day. Even if it’s only dancing for 5 minutes. 5/7 days
  3. Limit myself to one sweet treat a day (Exception: Thanksgiving Day) CHECK!
  4. When I have a choice, skip the food with a wrapper. CHECK!

November 17, 2010 By thea

Gosh. It’s been a while since I’ve checked in over here! I’ve been so focused on NOT weighing in, just letting my body do it’s thing and using my jeans as a guide.

I’m happy to report that I weighed in this morning at 157! Still within my healthy range, and this marks the 26th week of the year that I’ve been in that range.

I think I’m going to have to do a year end graph. This has been a good year!

I am part of an amazing team…The Healthy Holiday Ho’s! Our team’s focus is not going to be the scale (although dropping a pound or two will not be frowned upon). We’re going to focus on pushing each other physically and mentally. We’re going to rack up the exercise minutes and make good food choices and honor our bodies.

That, my friends, is what it’s all about.