Jump Rope! | The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans


UPDATED::  The winner of the pink Gymboss was Dawn at Babyboy3!  Congrats, Dawn!  Send your info to [email protected] and we will get this out to you!!
I don’t like the treadmill at all. Like, at all. I get really bored and am constantly looking at the clock. When I try to cover up the […]

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Happy Weigh-In Wednesday everyone!!  How are all of our lovely teams doing? Can you believe how quickly time flies?  Week #1 is over and done.  So, how did you do?  You know we want to know!
Are you having fun with your teams?  Are you getting to know each other?  I hope so!!  This is why […]

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Jumping rope is one of the most simple, inexpensive, most effective ways to get a work out in.
Don’t believe me?  Well, did you know that you can burn up to 1000 calories in an hour just by jumping rope?  That not only is it a fantastic cardio work out, but it’s also a total body […]

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